It was a pleasure to have done the complete HVAC course. I found the course effective and especially the trainers are quite confident and knowledgeable. I had a great time learning the course and the practical aspect of the curriculum & Enjoyed Site visits. Company : VAV Air Conditioning P Ltd. Post : Jr. Project Engineer
I extend my heartiest congratulation towards your Parametric Solutions Pvt Ltd. and its faculties, training on CAD / CAM and Projects were useful and knowledgeable that I secured a high salaried job in Andheri.
I wanted to thank you for AutoCAD to teach. It was very valuable and usefull. Thank you for being a great teacher."
I enjoyed both the AutoCAD and Pro-E courses that taught by Mrs Anita Madam and I will definitely be taking more courses in your Institute. The hands-on approach and pace is very conducive to learning. Thank You.
I'm very proud to be a student of Parametric Solutions. I got good package salaried Job. Thanks to Parametric Solutions.
“Excellent Teaching. Faculty demonstrated the practical aspects for my understanding of the AutoCAD Course. I can rate it as one of the best I had attended some other institute. I will strongly recommend this course to others my friends at Parametric Solutions Pvt Ltd”.
Parametric Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Computer Training is certainly true to their word!. I was frustrated for not getting Job. Here I joined course And got Very good Job. Thanks to Tirupati Sir” Company : MK Engineering Works P ltd Post : In charge Workshop
“Faculty's knowledge of CAD / CAM software and presentation skill is of high standard teaching in simple methods. Parametric Solutions Computer institute is excellent. Thanks to Tirupati sir “ Company : Suraj Pattern Works P. Ltd. Post : Supervisor
:"Thank you Prashant Sir. The MasterCAM class was thoroughly enjoyable and informative Technical Modeling & Manufacturing . The teaching was excellent I appreciated that. Best wishes to Parametric Solutions Success story.” Company : Krishna Machine Tools P Ltd. Post : CNC Program Engineer.
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The methodology to be adopted in the workshop includes interactive presentations, Group Exercises, Games, Role plays, & Experience sharing by the Coach and participants.
Mr.Tirupati Naik is the Founder Director, He is a Mechanical Engineer from Karnataka University. He holds an Diploma in Business Management (DBM). He has designed and successfully conducted a wide range of training programmes for Private and Public sector enterprises in India. He is the life member of Indian Technical Education Society for Training & Development, Mumbai. He has over 15 years experience in Training, Consulting, Marketing, Technical CAD/CAM/FEA/CNC engineering and Management Education. He has worked for many companies.
Mr.Tirupati Naik has personally conducted training programme for many organizations which include ACC Ltd, J K Electronics Pvt Ltd, Glaxo India, TransIT, Akash Computer Education, Milestone Technology Pvt Ltd and many more.
His areas of interest in training include Communication development, Team Building, Coaching, Sales and presentation skills.
By Tirupati Namdev Naik of
How free and energized would you feel if you had the power to motivate yourself to do ANYTHING, stop procrastinating, and achieve all your goals in record time?
Have you ever had a concrete plan to succeed at something, but for some “inner” reason what you planned to do never get done? We all have plans and huge dreams when we’re young, but very few people ever get past the point of taking ACTION on those dreams?
Is it because people are lazy? Or is there an inner science to achievement?
My mission is to deliver you cutting edge information to help you super-charge your life, coach you in such manner.
I’d like to deliver to you 3 of the most powerful and impacting ways to conquer self-sabotage and get you to where you want to be in your life at lightning speed. I have personally used these tools in my life and the results have been mind-blowing. Here we go!
People have many different definitions for success and failure. I’d like to give you my own definition before we move on.
Success happens whenever you decide to do something and you DO IT. Or whenever you decide to NOT DO something and you DON’T do it. I know it sounds simple, but 99% of people can’t even do just that! Sure, everyone talks a lot about doing things, but hardly many people actually take action on what their supposedly high priority goals and dreams are. I know I’ve been in the same place! One of the most important concepts I’ve learned in my life is that 90% of Success is taking ACTION on the goal you have. 10% is the mechanics, knowledge, or resources you need to succeed. Whatever you want in your life, you have the power to acquire the knowledge, to get the mechanics or resources you need, it’s taking action on that goal that is the biggest obstacle on the road to success in most people. If anyone can succeed, and all it takes is ACTION, why doesn’t everyone take action to achieve their goals everyday?
If you learn nothing else this year but this concept, your whole life will change. i who has popularized this concept and changed thousands of lives.
The human mind is consciously and subconsciously motivated by two basic forces.
If you think about it, every single action you take in your life is driven by the need to avoid pain, and the need to gain pleasure. The need to avoid pain is always STRONGER than the need to gain pleasure.
For example: If you have $10,000 and you have two options
Choice a) Go for a 4 day trip to Hawaii.
Choice b) Pay $10,000 to remove a tumor from your brain.
Allow me to give you a powerful example of how to instantly apply this into your life to start creating results TODAY. Here’s a personal example of how I used this concept to create the Powerful Sleep system.
I had been planning to finally write an eBook about my research in sleep for about a month, but I kept on putting it off, why? Frustrated with a lot of things in my life, I decided to give this Pain & Pleasure concept a Try. I drew a PAIN and PLEASURE graph like the one below of my current situation, and then drew one of the outcomes I wanted.
Current Situation:
Here was my new sheet.
Write new sheet here.
As you can see, I created immense pain around NOT DOING the tasks, I clearly wrote out and visualized how this would look and feel. The pain of NOT WRITING the book was now greater than the one of writing it. My values of contributing to the world and creating something special were now at stake. To further hammer the nail in, I clearly described the immense pleasure visually, emotionally, and kinesthetically of how it will feel when the task is done. With all the arrows in my mind pulling me away from pain and into pleasure, I was on my way that very same minute. You’re reading this article now as a result of that PAIN & PLEASURE sheet I wrote down! This concept is so powerful, I urge you to do it as soon as you’re done reading this article. Take at least one action you’ve been putting off in your life, whether it is a goal to lose weight, to create more money, or improve a relationship. Take that action, create a pain and pleasure sheet like the one above and see how rapidly motivated you will be to achieve that goal.
Here’s another example of someone trying to lose weight.
The second reason why people don’t take action on what they want to achieve TOO BIG inside of their head. Often a simple goal like going to the gym to work out becomes a number of PAINFUL things.
Our conscious mind can usually hold only a number of things to do at once. Whenever there is more things to do than the conscious mind can handle, we feel overwhelmed and stop everything completely. What I realized after a while is that nothing is really as big as we make it out to be. We just have a habit to make things bigger than they are.
The above gym example could be brought down to three simple steps:
Whenever you find yourself feeling blocked or procrastinating, think of the way you are chunking down the goal into steps? Are you thinking of ALL the things you have to do, and how PAINFUL they will be? If you are, chunk them down into 3 steps. As you focus on these steps, you’ll find you’ll feel much more balanced and relaxed about the goal!
“I’m not in the mood today, I’ll do it tomorrow.”
“I really don’t FEEL like doing that right now.”
Have you ever heard someone say these things? Perhaps you say them to yourself on a regular basis? The bottom line is that if you wait around to feel in the right mood or emotional state to do something, it’s most likely never going to happen. 99% of people in the world have no control over how the feel. They either wake up happy, or they don’t. They have a “bad day” or a “good day.” To these kinds of people it seems that the way we feel is some kind of mystical enigmatic force that we have no control over.
Part of success is being able take ACTION despite FEAR, PAIN, and UNCOMFORT.
Taking action even when you’re not in the friggen moooooooooooooooooood.(*whiny voice*)
Instead of waiting for an emotional state to come to you, use state management methods to create the emotional state you need to achieve your goals
Your emotions are dependent on 2 primary factors:
Example: Jill’s goal is to lose 50 lbs, after a week of working out 3 times per week and changing her eating habits, she steps on the scale and notices that she only lost 1 lb. Feeling like she isn’t moving towards her goal fast enough, she instantly begins to feel disappointed and discouraged about continuing her quest to lose weight.
“Don’t let the present moment determine your outcome!”
One of the biggest secrets of success I’ve learned over time is that the current moment has nothing to do with your outcome! Often we get caught up with a depressing situation, we focus on it to the point where the emotions get strong enough to stop us.
At this point, instead of focusing on what seems like a failure to Jill, she could change her focus to the actual OUTCOME she wants. Which is feeling great, sexy and attractive. Feeling free and healthy.
As you change your focus in critical times that would usually stop you emotionally, you create incredible power to move despite discomfort!
In the Powerful Sleep system I write about using this method at specific times of your day to optimize your inner sleep system to lessen your sleep and create an abundance of energy in your life. Changing your focus is just “positive thinking”, until you add this method into your state management arsenal.
The fastest and easiest way to create an emotional state shift in your mind, and to give your body the energy it needs to propel you to your goals, is to make a drastic change in what you’re doing with your body. You’ve got to move fast, you’ve got to get your heart rate going, and you’ve got to make it impactful!
Often times when I’m faced with several writing deadlines for books, articles and interviews, I spend a lot of time sitting at my desk thinking. Getting work done on the computer is great, but there’s only one challenge: My body isn’t doing anything!
It gets to the point where my emotional drive begins to drop. At this point, instead of stopping my work an taking “a break” like most people do, I run into the back-yard, and jump for 10 minutes on my trampoline while thinking of all the things I want for my life and the lives of the people I affect with my work! By the time I get back in front of my laptop, I am supercharged with energy, ideas, creativity, and emotional drive!
What ways can you think of to create more energy and a better emotional state at key points during your day?
Because your emotional state is so critically important to achieving your goals, and the overall quality of your life, I urge to start using this technique in your life. Changing what you’re doing with your body doesn’t have to be as drastic as jumping on a trampoline whenever you’re in a down state. It could be as simple as getting up and clapping your hands for a minute while visualizing your goal. It can be going outside for a breath of air or a short jog, a stretch, or even just putting on a smile _ when you combine all three of these methods: Leveraging your pain and pleasure associations, chunking down your processes, and managing your emotional state, you’ll find that you become unstoppable in your journey to success.
“Dreams and goals are only vapor until you take action on them.” – Mark Joyner, Internet Marketing Millionaire.
For any query call at One to One with Prior Appointment
Tirupati Naik, Freedom Life & Business Coach & Mentor
Is it enough to simply have a job, an office or organization to work in, and get a get a cheque and the end of the week? Not anymore. A workplace however large or small has to be driven by efficiency and achievement that manifests itself in the form of tangible results for the organization, and is rewarding for the employee. Less productive inputs and lower efficiency levels are bound to affect the business and jeopardize its sustainability and survival.
Employee productivity is a major concern for employers and lower productivity cannot be blamed on the employee entirely.
Every employee needs to be well aware that he is accountable for his actions and decisions, and he can neither pass the buck or pass the blame to someone else.
Employers often set targets and feel their job is done.
It is well known that a large pool of employees does need to be managed, provided direction and given assistance. But with this they must also be trusted, given freedom to operate in their style and adopt measures which they think are the best to deliver results.
The employer must ensure that on his part he always has words of encouragement for his staff. Encouraging them helps them move forward and do even better, and makes the worker feel happy. Innovative ways of motivating them spurs them even more. For example, holidays or conferences paid for by the company have been found to motivate employees immensely.
Every employee loves to feel he has the ears of the management who will recognize him and listen to what he says. Display of inter personal skills in which the boss appears humane and one of them, rather than a larger than life, distant figure, helps to have employees warm up to him and feel happy working for him.
Employers need to set realistic goals that are within the limits of achievement. While an aggressive employer may want his people to outstretch themselves to achieve farfetched goals, it may also burn them out.
Team work always helps in increasing workplace productivity since there is more input in the form of more ideas and minds at work. Working alone is not always the happiest situation either, especially in the field. Successful team building and working together is bound to bring out the best out of the employees who may also then compete with each other ensuring the business is the winner.
The best performing employee is the happy employee, and the employer has to find ways of making his people happy. Besides working conditions and the work culture implemented, he has to devise ways of making the work seem challenging and interesting rather than mundane and boring.
While employers assign tasks according to an employee’s core competence, even the task they are best at, can make an employee bored and his work seem monotonous.
Employees are delighted when they can enhance their skills and get additional learning opportunities sponsored by the employer. This helps them learn, feel indebted for the money being spent on them, which also adds to their resume, and are obliged to perform better by applying all the knowledge gained in these courses.
The current trend to have more meetings and discussion rather than spending more time working to achieve results, leads to precious productive time loss.
Finally, the workplace must have the best machinery, devices and equipment that yield error free results in the minimum possible time. Efficient electronic equipment with no connectivity issues and breakdowns will help to save precious time. They should take the place of paper work, and yield fast results. Some of these include:
Thus the idea is to have devices that enhance efficiency and subsequently productivity at the work place. The devices help to reduce the response time, improve customer service and cutting costs, all imperative for workplace productivity.
What are your thoughts?
We address organization development challenges through its spectacular range of training solutions.
For any query call at One to One with Prior Appointment
Tirupati Naik, Freedom Life & Business Coach & Mentor
It was a pleasure to have done the complete HVAC course. I found the course effective and especially the trainers are quite confident and knowledgeable. I had a great time learning the course and the practical aspect of the curriculum & Enjoyed Site visits. Company : VAV Air Conditioning P Ltd. Post : Jr. Project Engineer
I extend my heartiest congratulation towards your Parametric Solutions Pvt Ltd. and its faculties, training on CAD / CAM and Projects were useful and knowledgeable that I secured a high salaried job in Andheri.
I wanted to thank you for AutoCAD to teach. It was very valuable and usefull. Thank you for being a great teacher."
I enjoyed both the AutoCAD and Pro-E courses that taught by Mrs Anita Madam and I will definitely be taking more courses in your Institute. The hands-on approach and pace is very conducive to learning. Thank You.
I'm very proud to be a student of Parametric Solutions. I got good package salaried Job. Thanks to Parametric Solutions.
“Excellent Teaching. Faculty demonstrated the practical aspects for my understanding of the AutoCAD Course. I can rate it as one of the best I had attended some other institute. I will strongly recommend this course to others my friends at Parametric Solutions Pvt Ltd”.
Parametric Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Computer Training is certainly true to their word!. I was frustrated for not getting Job. Here I joined course And got Very good Job. Thanks to Tirupati Sir” Company : MK Engineering Works P ltd Post : In charge Workshop
“Faculty's knowledge of CAD / CAM software and presentation skill is of high standard teaching in simple methods. Parametric Solutions Computer institute is excellent. Thanks to Tirupati sir “ Company : Suraj Pattern Works P. Ltd. Post : Supervisor
:"Thank you Prashant Sir. The MasterCAM class was thoroughly enjoyable and informative Technical Modeling & Manufacturing . The teaching was excellent I appreciated that. Best wishes to Parametric Solutions Success story.” Company : Krishna Machine Tools P Ltd. Post : CNC Program Engineer.
Parametric Solutions Pvt Ltd, the advanced Industrial training, Designing Drafting, Re-Engineering Technology for Engineering students and professional Engineers.
101, 1st floor, Takle Building, Above Vaishya Bank, Near Maze Granth Bhandar Book Depot, Near Railway Station,